Monday, November 9, 2015

How to Reset Your Fitness Goals + Confidence Tips & More

Summer 2014

Summer 2015

I don't think there is anything more frustrating than feeling uncomfortable with your body or not your best. 
I love to share my real and candid experiences on my blog and as of lately these feelings could not be truer.
I have definitely fallen off the fitness wagon and it's finally time to hop back on. 

I have gained a considerable amount of weight this past year. 
Enjoying Nutella croissants at 2am after a night out in Florence, devouring pizza all over Italy, traveling, and being in college with an insane schedule and limited healthy options will do that to you. 

So you feel sluggish? Not your best? Over constantly seeing so much emphasis on having a big booty and skinny waist on Instagram and feeling like you'll never get there?

I can attest to the pressure to feel like you need to constantly look your best, and if you don't, you don't feel good about yourself. 

Am I the only one? 

Now, how do you get yourself out of this funk? 


Tip 1: Use Instagram and other sources of social media as motivation not discouragement

I am guilty of doing this. I would love a rounder butt, sculpted abs, a shapely chest. Own your body. You can achieve all of that and more. Don't underestimate what your body can accomplish and become. Being negative or saying how much you wish you had that won't get you anywhere. Be happy and use it as a fuel to accomplish your own awesome body.

Tip 2: Make an inspiration or motivation board with what you hope to accomplish

Go on Pinterest or cut out pictures of your favorite fitness personalities!
I have an entire board on Pinterest dedicated to motivation.

Tip 3: Set your goals

If you want to slim down and tone up: be conscious of the food you consume, workout and focus on certain areas, and stay consistent. 

Tip 4: Don't expect results in one day; results take time

This is probably the hardest tip for me to follow. I want results and I WANT THEM NOW. From my own experience, I know it takes time and I just like to be impatient. Don't be. Enjoy every moment throughout the process and you'll be able to see it soon enough! 

Tip 5: Don't let others belittle your goals 

This is probably the most important tip. Don't justify what you want to anyone including your fitness goals. You want a six pack? Get it. You want a rounder butt and toned legs? Own it. People who make fun of your goals just because you don't have them yet are scared to even try it for themselves. Don't let closed minds doubt or questions the goals you have for yourself. 

Tip 6: Happiness is the ultimate goal

Yes, you want an amazing body and an aesthetically pleasing one at that. 
Be happy with who you are on the inside. 
You have an amazing body already. 
You don't need anyone else to validate that for you. 
You are awesome and keep saying that to yourself! 

Tip 7: Achieving fitness goals isn't short-term

Just because you finally dropped 10lbs or sculpted your body does not means it ends there. 
Keep motivating yourself and maintain the fruits of your labor. 

What are your fitness goals?

Stay tuned for updates and progress pictures along the way :) 

Make sure to peep all my social media links for motivation & life updates!

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Meet Kimmy

I'm Kimberly, a Latina lifestyle blogger and total wine enthusiast. Welcome to the party!



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