Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Post-Graduation Blues & How To Overcome Them

If you're like me, you just graduated college and realized you have your entire life ahead of you. 
If you're also like me, you've had at least a couple of breakdowns this summer, re-evaluated your life plans at least 3 times, and may or may not be living at home following 4 years of absolute delicious freedom. 

I always imagined getting a full-time job after college and having my life together within the short span of I don't know how many days following graduation. 

Oh how the tides have changed. 

This entire summer has been a blast and full of ups and downs. Ups being that I got to wake up whenever I wanted to, enjoy the sunny days, spend time however I wanted to, and really be selective about my job search. 

Downs being that most of my friends have jobs and started working full-time, I got my wisdom teeth out (still recovering from this mess), and/or my friends have moved away from home with the exception of like 2. 

Going from having every single day of my life in college for the most part planned out to waking up and trying to fill my days while awaiting to hear from different companies has been quite the task. 

In addition to that, it's been difficult to write when you feel so uninspired and somewhat unmotivated. Thankfully, I've had my friends, family, and boyfriend to keep me from getting too down on myself.

I realized that I was being wayyyy to hard on myself and I can definitely assume your are being too. 

I'm only 22 years old and expect to have my life all together in one day. 

You and I must be crazy. 


Instead of panicking, contemplating getting a job below your pay-grade, having mental breakdowns because things aren't going the way you expected, here are some fun ways to make the most out of this time in your life: 

  1. Write down your goals for the year, next 5 years, or more. Having something written down even though it seems impossible right now will at least keep you inspired and motivated to work toward those goals. I made a motivation board and it turned out pretty cute!
  2. Spend time with yourself. Catch up on all the Netflix shows you missed. Work out. Learn something new. Enjoy the time where you can do anything you want!
  3. Read or keep studying something. I've been reading different books and teaching myself new skills on Excel. I've also been on and off studying for the GRE since graduate school is not that far away. Book Recommendation: You are a badass by Jen Sincero. So good. 
  4. Spend time with people you care about most and see the best in you when you don't!
  5. Try to figure out what makes you the happiest and what type of life you want to live or job you want to have. The more you know, the better you'll have a chance of acquiring it! 

Whatever you do, be kind to yourself. Or eat a donut. Either way...



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I'm Kimberly, a Latina lifestyle blogger and total wine enthusiast. Welcome to the party!



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