Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Weekend Adventures in Italy + Thoughts on Senior Year

sneakily posting on Juliette's wall...

This past weekend, I was able to meet up with my darling friend au pairing in Bologna, not that far from me. We enjoyed a beautiful and very hot day in Verona.

Sightseeing at its best -- Piazza Bra, Juliet's wall, the "famous" balcony, Piazza Erbe, and wine of course!

It feels so amazing to be able to explore such wonders on a short bus ride while I'm here.

Apart from enjoying the beautiful weather as of late, my mind has been occupied with the many changes in my life and that including me being a senior in college this year.

It's honestly crazy how fast it went by and it's scary to think about all the changes coming up in my life. Figuring out career choices? Moving out? Paying bills? OMG adulthood.

Like how does one go from not worrying about half of these things and then BOOM all of a sudden it all comes at once.

Am I scared? Totally. I think you'd be crazy if you didn't admit to yourself how much your life will change after college.

I'll be able to live on my own soon. Then soon enough, people I know will being getting engaged, married, and having babies. Let me focus on graduating first and foremost!

I am actually excited to get back to school. Not because of my friends and just the joys of being back at school but for the routine. Work, school, and clubs. And homework. Yes, I may be crazy but I actually miss sitting down writing a paper for a class or reading tons of material.

I haven't been at my college since last Fall and oh will it be fun to get back into the swing of things.

I'll be interning on Wall Street, getting back to working, new Chief Justice of my student government,  budgeting to move out, working my tail off to graduate as the highest in my class.

Until then, I will enjoy the months I have left of summer :)

Ciao my loves,

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I'm Kimberly, a Latina lifestyle blogger and total wine enthusiast. Welcome to the party!



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