Wednesday, June 3, 2015

European Travel | Do's, Dont's, Tips & More!

Who's ready for a European summer?! HOLLA. 

With so many new graduates and summer travel plans to Europe I see around the web, I would love to share my tid bits on traveling in Europe and anything that could help you on your voyage. 

I will also be spending my summer in Italy and will be able to speak more about summer travel but for now let's share all that I've learned after living there for 4 months and extend these tips for your travel! 


Pack light and efficiently! 

Man oh man did I suffer with not doing this. Pack smart. Use space bags if need be. And don't over stuff your carry on with more things. You do not want to end up wearing 3 jackets, 2 shirts, a heavy pair of leggings while dragging a overstuffed backpack and carry on on the plane and then leaving your camera on the plane and having to pay 20 pounds to get it back. Guilty. Let's avoid looking like a hot mess. 


Bring clothing you could only wear like once. 

Think before you pack. I am an over packer. Yes, that is me. Bring items and shoes that you see yourself wearing multiple times. Now I hate to re-wear the same clothes because homegirl loves to take Instagram pics and you can only wear the same top so many times. But you are in Europe and you are winning anyway so re-wear the same top! WHO CARES.


Research before you leave! 

Although I would hope you would have done this prior to booking your trip, make sure to do your research about where you will be visiting/staying! If I hadn't done a little research before I moved to Italy for the semester, I think I would have been in more shock with the cultural differences than I was already. Make sure you know some easy phrases or the fact that to-go coffee isn't a thing before you leave so you avoid any mishaps or embarrassments..although it will happen anyway.


Assume everyone speaks English (unless your going to England then cheerio)

If you are visiting a country with a different tongue, do not expect everyone to be able to communicate with you. Yes, these countries deal with a lot of tourists but be prepared to use hand gestures and attempt to translate in a time of need! My mistake was assuming this and trust me it is frustrating but you can do it! 


Make a bucket list and do something unexpected!

I am a bucket list fanatic and I am currently making mine for this summer. Making a bucket list helps you accomplish so much more during your travels and also guides your adventures. Check Pinterest for awesome ideas and create your own! Make up ideas that no has before or visit underrated places. Of course, make sure to visit important landmarks and take totally cute pictures. It makes the experience so much more worthwhile and you'll have total bragging rights. 

What No One Tells You

  • Don't drink an excess of alcohol on your flight. Good luck to you with that long flight, jet lag, plus being hungover. 
  • Make sure to buy the CORRECT adapters for the country you are visiting. Amazon is great place to get them for cheap before you leave!
  • Make sure to triple check your bank knows you will be away and where to avoid any mishaps at a store or ATM. ALWAYS take out your money at a bank with a safe ATM (one that requires your to step inside) to avoid getting your money taken. If there isn't one, just find a relatively safe looking one. Plus, you get charged little to none through ATMs over money exchange places.
  • Either bring dual voltage hair tools or buy them there. You will save many tears. Hot Tools has awesome hair tools that worked for me so check them out at Marshall's or TJ Maxx!
  • Watch out for the gypsies and pick pockets. I did not have this issue happen to me but heard so many stories. Keep to yourself and make sure to keep your important belongings close to you. I have resulted in putting my phone in my boob and more. They like back pockets so avoid putting anything there!
  • If you are in Italy, DO NOT book a train ticket in advance unless you are going on a longer voyage that requires you to or you have a direct train. If you are just going to a nearby place, get the tickets at the train station to avoid any mishaps or getting the wrong train. *story of how I ended up overnight at a train station coming soon...*
  • A re-usable water bottle will save your life and wallet. Do make sure to pack this!
  • If you are heading to the beach for the day or having an outing, pack lunch and pick up some local goodies. Go to an outdoor market or supermarket! While staying in France, I went to Monoprix, their supermarket chain, and spent what I would have spent on going out for lunch and got food, bottles of wine, and snacks for so much less. Plus, you'll get to see the difference between food shopping in America and abroad! 

Did I miss anything or have any special requests? Comment below :)

Bon voyage,

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I'm Kimberly, a Latina lifestyle blogger and total wine enthusiast. Welcome to the party!



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